2nd Floor, Manisha Terrace, 411001, Moledina Rd, Camp, Pune, Maharashtra 411001 020 4930 4930 | 8956690418
List of Tests for Unusual nosebleeds

Tests For Unusual nosebleeds in Pune

A list of lab tests and other self-help tools for Unusual nosebleeds in Pune

What is Unusual nosebleeds

Unexpected bleeding from the nostrils due to broken blood vessels.

List of Lab Tests For Unusual nosebleeds

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) - to assess for abnormal levels of red and white blood cells, as well as platelets.
  • Coagulation Tests - to evaluate the clotting system, including prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT).
  • Liver Function Tests - to assess liver health and determine possible underlying causes of bleeding.
  • Kidney Function Tests - to assess kidney health and determine possible underlying causes of bleeding.
  • Fibrinogen Test - to assess the level of a protein that helps with blood clotting.
  • Vitamin B12 and Folate Tests - to assess vitamin levels, which can affect blood clotting.
  • Platelet Function Tests - to assess how well platelets are working and if they are clumping together abnormally.
  • Hepatitis B Antigen Test

How will these tests help?

The group of tests will help us understand why you are suffering from your unusual nosebleeds. We can divide the tests into two groups

The first group of tests will help us assess the functioning of your blood cells and platelets, as well as any underlying issues with your clotting system. This includes the Complete Blood Count (CBC), Coagulation Tests, Fibrinogen Test, Vitamin B12 and Folate Tests, and Platelet Function Tests

The second group of tests will help us evaluate for any possible infections or diseases that could be causing your unusual nosebleeds. This includes the Liver Function Tests, Kidney Function Tests, and Tests for Infectious Diseases

Together, these tests will allow us to understand the root cause of your nosebleeds, and design the best course of treatment for you.

Book Tests for Unusual nosebleeds in Pune

Pathofast offers Tests for Unusual nosebleeds at our center in Manisha Terrace, Moledina Road, Pune, Camp, India
Our lab in Pune, is known for its exceptional hygiene, polite staff and quick reports
Our Pune Center, is located close to the railway station and the Swargate Central Bus Depot, as well as the new Metro Lines
Please choose an option below to proceed with your booking:

Self Test for Unusual nosebleeds

Answer the following 3 questions to know whether you should get yourself investigated further

Have you had any nosebleeds that last longer than 7-10 minutes
Have you had any nosebleeds that last longer than 7-10 minutes

Do you have any other symptoms such as headaches, dizziness or vomiting
Do you have any other symptoms such as headaches, dizziness or vomiting

Have you experienced any trauma or injury to the head or face recently
Have you experienced any trauma or injury to the head or face recently

Result :

List of symptoms associated with Unusual nosebleeds

  • Symptoms related to Unusual nosebleeds : Unexplained bruising on the skin Unexplained bruising on the skin

    You may have noticed some unexplained bruising on your skin, especially around the nose or mouth. This could be a sign of unusual nosebleeds.

  • Symptoms related to Unusual nosebleeds : Frequent headaches Frequent headaches

    You may have been experiencing more frequent headaches than usual. This could be a sign of unusual nosebleeds, as the blood vessels in your nose become damaged and cause pain.

  • Symptoms related to Unusual nosebleeds : Fatigue and dizziness Fatigue and dizziness

    You may have been feeling more tired than usual and experiencing bouts of dizziness. This could be a sign of anemia, which is a common problem caused by unusual nosebleeds.

List of home remedies for Unusual nosebleeds

Try these at home, only after consulting your doctor

  • Apply a cold compress: Applying a cold compress to the bridge of the nose can help reduce the bleeding. Apply a cold compress

    Applying a cold compress to the bridge of the nose can help reduce the bleeding.

  • Apply pressure: Applying pressure to the nostrils with a clean tissue or cloth can help stop the bleeding. Apply pressure

    Applying pressure to the nostrils with a clean tissue or cloth can help stop the bleeding.

  • Elevate the head: Elevating the head while lying down can help reduce the flow of blood and help stop the bleeding. Elevate the head

    Elevating the head while lying down can help reduce the flow of blood and help stop the bleeding.
